SAM team fundraising for Cancer Research UK

SAM employees have been fundraising for Cancer Research UK while actively promoting good health and wellbeing. The team voted for Cancer Research UK as their chosen charity for the financial year and have been engaging in various fundraising activities since February.

May: National Walking Month and the SAM Step Challenge

In May, SAM launched the SAM Step Challenge to coincide with National Walking Month. The goal was for the team to collectively walk 5,000,000 steps throughout May. If they reached this target, a donation of £1,000 would be made to Cancer Research UK. Additionally, SAM pledged to donate an extra £100 for every additional 1,000,000 steps walked. The challenge was met with enthusiasm, resulting in a remarkable 14 million steps and a significant contribution to the charity.

June: Men’s Health Week and SAM Sports Day

June saw the SAM team participating in a Sports Day event to mark Men’s Health Week. Employees competed in a range of sporting activities, including basketball, golf, and penalty shootouts, all aimed at promoting physical activity and raising funds. The combined efforts of these events culminated in a total of £2,134 raised for Cancer Research UK.

Positive Impact and Team Enjoyment

The HR Manager, Shauna McErlain, highlighted the dual purpose of these events: promoting health and well-being and fostering a fun, collaborative environment for employees. The success of these activities was evident in the high level of participation and enjoyment among the team members. McErlain noted that the events allowed staff to take a break from their usual duties and engage in enjoyable and beneficial activities with their colleagues.

Ongoing Fundraising Efforts

SAM is committed to continuing its support for Cancer Research UK through various fundraising activities throughout the year. The company plans to maintain this momentum by organising more events that encourage employee participation and contribute to the charitable cause.

The collective effort and enthusiasm displayed by SAM employees underscore the company’s dedication to both employee well-being and charitable giving. By aligning their activities with significant health awareness campaigns, SAM has successfully created a positive impact on both their team and the broader community.

SAM – Home of MDF

SAM’s recent initiatives have not only raised substantial funds for Cancer Research UK but have also fostered a sense of community and well-being among employees. The company’s commitment to promoting health and supporting important causes is clear, and their continued efforts promise further positive outcomes. A huge congratulations to all involved, and SAM looks forward to more successful fundraising activities in the future.

Read more about our charity work here.