SAM Mental Health Foundation partnership

SAM announces its charity partner for the financial year as the Mental Health Foundation.

Every year, a small number of charities are presented to the SAM team to vote for their preferred charity partner. The pandemic has created challenges for many over the last year and with restrictions meaning we don’t have the same contact with our loved ones. Therefore, looking after our mental health has never been more important. That’s why we weren’t surprised when the overwhelming majority voted for the Mental Health Foundation.

The Mental Health Foundation

The Mental Health Foundation has been the UK’s leading charity for mental health since 1949. Their main focus is ‘prevention’. Which means finding and addressing the source of mental health problems. Then, working tirelessly to find solutions to reduce the risks of mental illness, allowing the community to thrive. Here are some of the practical things they do:

  1. They test and evaluate the best approaches to improving mental health in communities and then roll them out as widely as possible.
  2. They publish studies and reports on what protects mental health and the causes of poor mental health and how to tackle them.
  3. They give advice to millions of people on mental health and they are most well-known for running Mental Health Awareness Week across the UK each year, something the SAM team is excited to get involved with!
  4. They propose solutions and campaign for change to address the underlying causes of poor mental health.

Fundraising Activities

The SAM team is delighted to be working together to raise money for this worthwhile cause at a time when focusing on our mental health should be a top priority. We will be organising various fundraising initiatives throughout the year. We’ll also be posting tips and advice on how to look after your health and wellbeing across our socials.

To kick things off, in association with the Chest Heart & Stroke’s Work Well Live Well initiative, SAM team members are taking part in our 5,000,000-step challenge over the month of May.  The company will donate £1,000 to the Mental Health Foundation once the step goal has been reached. Furthermore, the compnay will be donating an additional £100 for every 1,000,000 steps walked thereafter.

Keep an eye on our social pages for progress reports!

For more information on the work carried out by the Mental Health Foundation, visit their website.

Read our latest charity and community news here.