2020 has been an extremely challenging and unpredictable time for all of us, but as the world continues to adapt to the current climate, SAM has rapidly been learning to embrace the ‘new normal’ with life after lockdown and continue operating as the UK’s leading manufacturer of interior MDF mouldings.

Back in March, SAM made the difficult decision to temporarily close both our Antrim and Donington sites following government guidance to protect the health and wellbeing of employees. We have since begun a phased return to work process, introducing flexible working with some staff setting up at home to reduce the number of people on site.
Following government guidelines has meant substantial changes for all the team, with more remote working and a significant reduction in face to face site visits with customers. In order to maintain unified communication, SAM has upgraded various ICT systems including production scheduling software to manage both manufacturing sites from one computer.
In-House Safety Measures at SAM
Necessary in-house safety measures have been carried out to ensure the team are working safely and comfortably. SAM have introduced floor markings to create one-way systems where necessary, perspex screens within the office, sanitising stations with regular cleaning, and rearranging office space to allow social distancing.
Liam Doran, SAM operations director, explains how production has had to adapt during the ongoing pandemic:
“Paramount in everything we do is the safety of our people and all those we interact with. The company has had to respond and adapt very quickly to the new normal, implementing new procedures and systems of work including hand cleansing points and one-way systems around our factory.”

By embracing new technology, SAM is maintaining its excellent account management service and keeping in close contact with the entire customer base, whether this be face to face or digitally. The SAM team across different locations are being kept up to date with any industry changes and are working together with SAM operations and logistics to help customers obtain their required materials on time and in full so they can return to normal trading as lockdown eases.
Sam McCrea MBE, CEO, is positive that the current measures put in place will help the business going forward:
“SAM is now looking ahead with confidence to what the rest of 2020 brings, operating in the ‘new normal’ conditions, always adhering to appropriate safety measures along the way. We move forward as always looking to improve and evolve whilst continuing to maintain an excellent service to our customers, delivering top quality goods.”