Investors in People Gold Accreditation

Springfarm Architectural Mouldings Ltd. (SAM) is delighted to announce that after a rigorous renewal process, the company has been awarded Investors in People Gold Accreditation for another year, coinciding with the community interest company’s 30th anniversary celebrations.

(L-R) Cat McCrea, Director; Sam McCrea MBE, CEO; Shauna McErlain, HR Manager; Paul Lavery, CFO

SAM proudly announced their Investors in People Gold Accreditation this month!

Investors in People enables organisations to benchmark against the best in the business on an international scale. The standard recognises organisations that look to improve performance. In addition to setting objectives through the management and development of their people. Over the month of November, the company has been celebrating its 30th anniversary by organising key events to show their appreciation to everyone involved and to also share their value to the wider community.

MDF mouldings manufacturer SAM, with sites in Antrim and Lincolnshire, was first awarded Investors in People Accreditation in 1998. Since then, SAM has proudly been an accredited member, achieving their Silver level in 2014 and Gold in 2017.

Christine McGowan, Investors in People Assessor, said:

“This is an excellent outcome and is testament to the leadership of the senior team over the past four years. It has led SAM through one of the most challenging periods for any company. In doing so, it has created a positive working environment where people are clearly proud and committed to being part of SAM going forward.”

Cat McCrea, Joint Managing Director at SAM, commented:

“We are delighted to have achieved Investors in People Gold again.  None of this would have been possible without the hard work and dedication of our employees. Our people have always been our greatest asset and so we are thrilled to receive such positive feedback both from them and the Investor in People assessors.”